Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Treatise on Natural Truth

A Treatise on Natural Truth:
Organic Truth Perspectives on the "Nature of Nature" and All of Nature's Many Parts

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"When I say "organic truth" or "natural truth", I am referring to those truths that we can see demonstrated to us by Nature herself, and which we can reason out or infer based on the appearance of nature's forces and their activities.

Natural truth is both experiential and empirical/demonstrable, and we experience it in the nature of our interactions with other persons in our natural environment, and the environment itself. Some aspects- the very deepest aspects- of natural truth are mediated to us in a personal, intuitive form through the sacred stories and spiritual metaphors utilized by primal peoples worldwide, past or present, in their various sacred and organic cultural expressions."

See this essay here

1 comment:

Lee Morgan said...

Full of historically crucial natural wisdom and insight. Beautiful.